Convergence Science Catalysts

Create the knowledge needed to solve complex problems of resilience and sustainability in the multi-scale and telecoupled contexts through geospatial data-intensive and multi-type (AI, theory-based, and mechanistic) analysis and modeling

Team Leads

Jianguo “Jack” Liu

Michigan State University

David Tarboton

Utah State University

Team Members

Brian Allan

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Amy Ando

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Courtney Flint

Utah State University

Iman Haqiqi

Purdue University

Deanna Hence

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Thomas Hertel

Purdue University

David Johnson

Purdue University

Upmanu Lall

Columbia University

Steven Manson

University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Venkatesh Merwade

Purdue University

Andrés Viña

Michigan State University